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365nm vs 395nm UV LED

Suntech Lite is a top manufacturer and supplier that focuses on pixel LED strips and LED neon lights.

Ultraviolet (UV) LEDs have revolutionized many industries with their unique properties and capabilities. But did you know there are different types of UV LEDs? Today, we’re diving into comparing 365nm vs 395nm UV LEDs to have a specific understndning.

light spectrum chart

From the spectrum chart above, we can see that 365nm and 395nm are both invisible light and both belong to UVA light. However, 365nm and 395nm wavelengths have unique properties that make them suitable for different applications. Understanding these differences is crucial for selecting the right UV LED for your application.

365nm vs 395nm, What is the difference?

First, let’s take a brief look at the differences between 365nm vs 395nm through a table.

Table: 365nm vs 395nm UV LED

Item365nm UV LED395nn UV LED
Energy and PenetrationHigh energy, Low penetrationLow energy, High penetration
ColorPale blueBright purple
SafetyLess safeSafer
ApplicationHighlighting biological samples,
Surface curing
Detecting counterfeit money,
Insect trapping,
Coatings and Inks UV curing

* SunLite is professional in addressable UV LED strip lights, please click 365nm 395nm UV addressable LED strip to view the products.

Energy and Penetration Difference

To understand the differences between 365nm vs 395nm UV LEDs, we first need to grasp the concept of wavelength. It’s the wavelength that determines the energy and penetration depth of UV light. Within the UV spectrum, shorter wavelengths have more energy but less penetration, while longer wavelengths have less energy but greater penetration.
So 365nm light has more energy but less penetration, 395nm has less energy but greater penetration.

365nm vs 395nm UVA strip light

Color Difference

Although 365nm and 395nm are both invisible lights, they can illuminate objects and cause them to fluoresce. From the picture below, we can see that 365nm light illuminates the banknotes to show light blue fluorescence, while 395nm light causes the banknotes to emit bright purple fluorescence.

UVA LED 365nm vs 395nm

Security Difference

Both 365nm and 395nm belong to UVA rays. Compared with UVB and UVC rays, UVA has the smallest energy. About 95% of the ultraviolet rays in sunlight are UVA rays, and the remaining 5% are UVB rays, so UVA light generally does not harm the human body.

However, long-term exposure to UVA light can cause damage to the skin and eyes. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy, the more harmful it can be to human skin and eyes. Therefore, 365nm UV LEDs pose a slightly higher risk. 

Cost Difference

365nm UV LDE is generally more expensive than 395nm UV LED. This is mainly due to the technical difficulty of UV LED. Making LED emit deeper wavelengths requires more difficult technical support, so the price is higher.

Application Difference

365nm UV LED

  • 365nm light can excite a stronger fluorescence effect, which can be used to illuminate fine particles and can be used to highlight biological samples.
  • Both 365nm and 395nm UV LED can be used for curing, but 365nm has lower penetration and is mostly used for surface curing.

395nm UV LED

  • 395nm light can also excite fluorescence, but due to its low energy, it can only illuminate larger particles, so it can be used to detect counterfeit currency.
  • Due to the strong penetration of 395nm UV light, it can be used for deeper curing of coatings and inks.
  • 395nm UV light can also effectively attract insects, so it can be used in insect trapping.
365nm 395nm UV applications

Through the above 365nm vs 395nm UV LED comparison, we can know that both 365nm and 395nm UV LEDs have their unique advantages and applications. By understanding these differences, you can make informed decisions that fit your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the main applications of 365nm UV LEDs?
    365nm UV LEDs are commonly used in fluorescence excitation applications like counterfeit detection and forensic investigations.
  2. Are 365nm UV LEDs more harmful than 395nm UV LEDs?
    While all UV light can be harmful, 365nm UV LEDs, with their shorter wavelength, can pose a slightly higher risk to skin and eyes.
  3. Can I use 365nm and 395nm UV LEDs interchangeably?
    While there may be some overlap in applications, they have some differences, so it is advisable to select the wavelength that best matches the application.
  4. Are 365nm UV LEDs more expensive than 395nm UV LEDs?
    Generally, 365nm UV LEDs tend to have a higher cost compared to 395nm UV LEDs.
  5. Can I use a 365nm UV LED for leak detection purposes?
    While 365nm UV LEDs excel in fluorescence excitation, they may not be the optimal choice for leak detection applications. 395nm UV LEDs, with their balanced output and lower cost, are often more suitable for such purposes.

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