12mm 5V 144leds WS2813 RGB LED Strip

Professional Pixel LED Strip Lights Manufacturer & Supplier

Product Parameter

ItemVoltagePowerPixel QtyLED QtyCutting UnitBreak ContinuePCB Width
STB-TTL-4PIN-RGB-144-5DC5V43 W/m144 Pixels1446.9 mmYes12 mm

10mm 5V 144leds WS2813 RGB LED Strip Lighting

10mm 5V 144leds WS2813 RGB LED Strip Lighting
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Product Feature

WS2813 led strip has 4 wires for sending data – one V+ pin, one GND pin, and two data pins. Dual-signal wires version, signal breakpoint continuous transmission. If one LED is damaged, it will not affect the other LEDs working, unless two continuous LEDs are damaged. 

WS2813 is individually addressable. Every 1 WS2813 IC control 1 LED, every LED can be shown any color you want. By varying the level of red, green, and blue (RGB) per LED, many color combinations can be made. 

This WS2813 144LEDs/m RGB led strip comes with a 4-pin JST SM connector on each end. Every LED segment can be cut at 6.9mm. You can also connect multiple WS2813 strips together to make them longer. To power this WS2813 strip, you need a 5V power supply.

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