120leds White Addressable LED Strip WS2815

Professional Addressable LED Strip Light Manufacturer

Product Parameter

ItemVoltagePowerPixel QtyLED QtyCutting UnitBreak ContinuePCB Width
ST-WS2815-4PIN-W-120-12DC12V17.3 W/m120 Pixels12016.6 mmYes10 mm

120leds White Addressable LED Strip WS2815

120leds white addressable LED strip WS2815 12V
120leds white addressable LED strip WS2815 display
120leds white addressable LED strip WS2815 10mm
120leds white addressable LED strip WS2815 product

Product Feature

We launched new white addressable LED strip WS2815, each LED individually addressable with 120leds/m, high density to make even and continuous illumination.

This WS2815 120LEDs/m white pixel led strip comes with a 4-pin JST SM connector on each end. Every LED segment can be cut at each 2 leds namely 16.7mm. You can also connect multiple WS2815 strips together to make them longer. To power this WS2815 strip, you need a 12V power supply.

12V WS2813 LED has wide compatibility. Works great with Arduino, Adafruit Neo Pixel Library, Fast LED library, and Raspberry Pi, etc.

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